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West Central, Michigan

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is it Friday yet?

Good Morning!

It became a "more music" morning today, when technology got the best of me....and required my attention.

We moved the second day of the "wake up call" scheduled for today (Thursday the 28th) to NEXT Wednesday, and...if we get an answer early, we'll do a SECOND QUESTION that day as well. People love to win those "burgers of the week" from the Lamplight Grill and the large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store!"

Remember...tomorrow's another "round table" with Phil, Bill, yours truly....and who knows...maybe Leftlane will wander in. Hard telling with that boy!  We'll bring you another "Friday Flash Poll" and answer some very burning "this or that" question.....with your help on the phones, e-mail and our forum!

Speaking of the forum, have you signed up yet?  It's DIRECTLY INTERACTIVE with all other listeners who have joined, and it's FREE. See the notes from Scott, our forum owner about signing up and signing in, and feel at ease with signing up for your free acccount!  

Keep watching our website for updates on programming and more...and thanks for listening....to "America's Biggest Little Radio Station"....WION


Friday, March 22, 2013


With over 50 votes on our Friday morning show from e-mails, phone and the WION Exclusive Online Forum,  our "Friday Flash Poll" found respondents telling us that in their homes, Creamy Peanut Butter is more popular than Crunchy!

It was a very 'spirited' debate, and we thank you for your attention!  We try to do these ultra important polls each week.  Why?  Because we know that you're tired of all the polls in the news that are so darn "serious"....there's tons of new ones each day about politics, the military, banking, and the like.  Thus, we choose OUR topics carefully!

This Saturday finds our microphones in Lowell, MI at the High School for the annual Lowell Area Expo, a presentation of the Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce. we hope you'll join us as we broadcast from this event.....and get to better-know our neighbors just a stone's throw to the East of Ionia.

This weekend's usual features are ready to roll, get an update on what's happening by visiting our WION FORUM.  Please register!  We don't sell your e-mail, we don't collect any personal info, and your registration, while not necessary, removes some of the ads from your FORUM experience and shows your support for the WION FORUM.

See you in Lowell with Phil Cloud, Bill Lynch, and Penny Beeman...and hundreds of our (new) closest friends!.....all "on the radio."


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm overdue for an update....It's been busy around the ol' radio studios...

Here we are, halfway through another whole week!

Our wake up call this week was, "WION's Birthday year is shared by what famous product?" We began that question today, and got an answer by our second hour of the show. The answer?  "Peeps!" They were made by the Just Born company which aquired the Rodda Candy company, and "Peeps" were born. our winner was Lynn burns, who was listening at the Ionia County Commission on aging in Ionia!  Congratulations!

On that topic, by an overwhelming majority, our listeners HATE peeps. We did an early poll today, (usually saving it for the Friday before Easter) ....and asked, do you LOVE or HATE peeps, since there is no "in-between" on that issue.  Thanks for all the votes, and votes continued throughout the day on our wion forum!

We brought in Spring today at 7:02 by stopping the news, and having our very own "Ode To Spring" brought to you by Bob Flynn. It was a tear-jerking moment in radio history. Okay, maybe not. It was a FAMOUS moment in radio history.  Would you believe it was a moment which won't happen again?  Okay. There we are. NO moment ever happens again, so I didn't lie.  It was a moment to remember, right to the very end of the song, "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park!"

On Friday...a flash poll about a favorite food item. Be ready with your votes!

Oh and somebody.....we think it's "Ray" (O' Vac) started a fan page for WION on Facebook, much to the chagrin of Jim Carlyle, but it IS there. so, "Like" us if you want. 

In looking ahead, we have a major programming announcement coming your way on April 1st you'll want to hear, we believe.......don't miss it on the morning show! Mark your calendars!

More soon.....busy times, great radio.....all here....with WION and the morning show.


Friday, March 1, 2013

The Weekend is here!!!

What a busy (fun) morning show on Friday!

The round table compliment was Bill Lynch, Phil, and a rare "full show" appearance by our buddy Leftlane.  Later in the show came a walk-on appearance by Patrick Reagan of "Portland Main Street" A full morning show!

The Friday Flash Poll found the majority of our respondents favoring full donuts over donut holes, and much of the debate took to the web, lighting a virtual fire on our forum of opinions and reasons for them!  It was GREAT to see this happen, and we hope that more and more people will be part of our forum and interact directly with WION!  Remember, the forum is FREE, you do not need to register, but in registering some of the ads disappear and browsing is easier.

We've added a (temporary) page to our website today, it'll be up through next weekend showing the map of exhibitors scheduled for Ionia Expo 2013.  On March 9th, we'll interview 16 of the exhibitors and bring you music all day long as always, live from Ionia High School. Admission is free, and there's much to see!  On our main page, the link to the map page is right below the CBS news player.

I hope our Fridays continue to grow. If you were part today, thank you. If you liked Leftlane, Patrick, our wake up call, video feed or something else, let us know!  We're growing, and with the camera/web feed, forum, e-mail, phones, and co-hosts, the show is tough to weave together, but we hope it sounds fun for you, our listeners.

Stick around all weekend for the usual fun of Twilight Zone Radio Dramas, Barry Scott's Lost 45's, Retro Stars the 90's Show, Randy Edwards program, "Edwards Archives" and much more.  Links to those shows can be found on the "Weekend Programming" thread on our forum. You may enjoy going to the shows' sites.  We'll see you on Monday......
