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West Central, Michigan

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thank you, Harry.

Some people you meet in life are the kind who, in their company,  make you feel a little closer to the kindness that can only come from God. You notice it in their voice, mannerisms, and it's something you just ...know. My father was one such individual.  Another was Mr. Harry Boyes of Ionia, a former News Director of WION Radio who passed away on September 20th 2019.  I'm told it was his 95th birthday.

I met Harry at the Lamplight Grill when I had only been at WION a short time. He was with his wife, leaving the restaurant after his meal. I introduced myself, we spoke briefly, and I told him I'd seen his picture at the radio station in some of the staff pictures from years past. We didn't speak long as I didn't want to be rude or bore his wife with "radio" conversation.

It wasn't long after that, however that I learned Harry's wife had passed away and he was alone.  He still came to the Lamplight Grill, however...and one night, as I arrived, I saw him eating alone. I don't like to eat alone. Eating is a kind of celebration and should be shared, which left me with a choice: Ask Harry if I could sit with him (risking the fact he may want his solitude and hearing the word "no" or...having an interesting evening if "yes" was the answer.) ....or just sit at a table and wonder if I should have asked. Harry's answer was, "That would be very nice, please sit down." It was the beginning of a very strong friendship, though we didn't see each other very  often, and almost always at the Lamplight Grill. (I did have the opportunity to visit with him in his home this year, and it was a wonderful afternoon.)

Harry always made time to chat with me at the Lamplight, and we'd talk about the (Episcopal) Church,  Ionia,  my WION of today, "His" WION, and so many other things. Some conversations were lengthy, some shorter.  Always I enjoyed these conversations, more than he may have ever known.

On the 5th Anniversary of WION coming back on the air with our team in 2009  we invited Harry to stop by. The studios were humming with people, we had a tent out front with Lamplight food, face painting, guests from far and near, and studio tours. Harry came to that celebration, and later...I found it was the first time he was invited back to WION since he worked with Monroe MacPherson the original owner. They had parted ways after the sale of the FM station in which Harry had invested.  Harry was happy to be with us that afternoon, and volunteered to go through old staff pictures and help me identify some of what is now my "shared past" with other  WION owners and staff who we only know now by their portraits. 

It made my day to have him here, along with representatives from the Michigan Association of Broadcasters, friends, and listeners. As I've said, some people just make your day by their being part of yours. I considered it a great honor to have Harry as part of our celebration.

Harry looks over the very first WION broadcast log as he visits
our 5th anniversary celebration in 2009

Harry's gentle yet deep voice was most distinguished, and as his years went on, it may have taken a little more listening to catch every word, but his gentlemanly manner never changed. Always the gentleman.  Harry was proud that the station for which he worked locally was back on the air, and in good hands, though he worked at one time for much more prominent and powerful  WJR in Detroit.  Chances are as I grew up,  since my family played WJR frequently, at one time or another I heard him on our radio in my younger years and never  knew I'd someday meet him. 

I once told Harry of our recreating the 1939 Campbell Playhouse version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", and that we had won an award for it from the Michigan Association of Broadcasters in our first year of doing this.  He was as proud of WION as if he, himself were back behind the microphone.   Then, somewhere between that first year we produced it, and year number 5 in 2014, Harry asked if he could play Ebenezer Scrooge, should we ever do it just one more time.  I took Harry up on that offer, and we had a wonderful day in 2014 sharing time, and some stories of WION, many of which I have forgotten, all of which I wish I had recorded.  Nevertheless, the day was something special.  Later, I found out from Harry that the room in which we now stream WION (my office and recording studio)  used to be his office when he was News Director, and that may explain how he seemed comfortable  as he pulled the microphone close and began recording.  I didn't know this until after he recorded his part as Ebenezer Scrooge, but it was so nice to find that out later that day in our conversations and to imagine all the thoughts he may have had as  he sat down in the chair in his former room. I guess my office is something we share, as well, though in very different eras.

Harry nailed the part of Mr. Scrooge, and seemed to enjoy doing it. It made me happy to know his voice was preserved, not just for history's sake, but in my favorite story, and...co-starring with other local people and WION staffers. People like Rich Thompson of the Lamplight Grill, WION's "Popeye John," Darin Elliott and Todd Reurink to name a few.

Harry will be missed, but will always be a part of WION as long as this team is at the helm. His picture and those of his co-workers of the 1960's are on the wall in our main studio in a framed, proud advertisement of WION's "Now 5000 Watts" from when the station got it's power increase.  

A gentleman for sure, and someone who I am very glad to have known even for just a few short years.   Harry; you will be missed but surely remembered.  Thank you for your friendship, and your voice...at WION and in our community... long before my time at the helm of WION...and in "A Christmas Carol."

May God continue to bless you.

-Jim Carlyle

Jim Carlyle and Harry look over  historic WION pictures and I.D. some former staffers.
(2009) at WION's  5th year celebration with the current team.