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West Central, Michigan

Friday, September 27, 2013


It started just like any other morning for the Friday "round table" show. Coffee, yawns, a few songs, and the usual cast of characters logging onto our AM stereo webstream. CBS news, weather, the usual elements that make a morning routine on AM stereo 1430.

Then, came the magic.  One international listener. Then another. Before we knew it, the board had a handful of very INTERESTING areas listening.  One had to wonder why. (L) It's happened before, (R) but in the world there are literally MILLIONS of choices in audio entertainment!  We're always happy to be chosen!

But this morning was different.  Before our show was over, we had interaction!  E-mails from England! E-mail from a "radio" oriented chat room  and international discussion of "B" movies!  I had brought up the topic of "Attack of the Killer Refrigerator" after my co-host Bill talked about his noisy, over-iced kitchen appliance, and that spurred the chatting, and even more LISTENING to our AM stereo stream. It even brought up another "B" movie of similar title, "Nudist Colony of the Dead" by one of the listeners. As a collector of "B" movies, I'm proud to say I've missed that one, entirely.

We made some friends this morning, some from far away countries and locations!  But, the one thing that we all had in common was a love of RADIO. The kind of radio that WION delivers. Local, Interesting, sometimes corny, many times odd, but definitely UNIQUE.  To US it was a normal morning. To one of our listeners to the stream, it was their dose of healthy laughter. (I was once told that two people in the same seats, doing NOTHING, but one honestly laughing from deep down compared will find the laughing one gets 11 times the exercise of the other, and is healthier)  One line from the chat-room today said, "I don't think I've laughed this much to radio before" which is a huge compliment to us.  In-between discussing "B" movies which will be more discussed NEXT Friday, the conversation went to how  the internet has really made the world a smaller place.  If we'd had it in the library of our computer (not to mention the proper music licensing, what a pain in the royal donkey THOSE people are) we were just corny and campy enough to have played Disney's  "It's a small world"...but.....we didn't.

Is it earth-shattering that we had far away listeners?  NO.  Is it going to bring those people to Ionia to buy from our advertisers?  Probably not.  But, is  WION  putting MY town on the map in a GOOD WAY this week?  Definitely!

We're just a small, average bedroom community. We don't have the world's largest Fork in the road, or the world's longest breakfast table, or the world's ANYTHING that I'm aware of. But, we do have ourselves. A nice town, seat to a nice county in Michigan, USA.  And, if WION is seen by the larger world as having a very unique radio station which chooses to perpetuate the INCREDIBLE sound of AM stereo, and it
spreads via internet chat rooms, I guess WION is doing it's job as an ambassador to it's city of license.

I found it personally exciting to be in communication with people around the world who were literally "tuned-in" to us via a real AM stereo receiver feeding our web-stream and apps.  It's a huge contrast to the days when WION could not be heard on low power south of it's own town's Main Street.  So, has today's tech-savvy world changed radio for the BETTER?  Absolutely!   Even one of our callers said "Good Morning" to HER "international audience" on our station. (she's a regular caller.)

Our example in this writing is not a case of "all eyes are on Ionia" as it was recently as when differences between people accelerate to violence and the BIG media comes to make us look bad from ONE isolated incident (which is about the only time they come to town)....but instead, we have  a case of the "little media" that makes our little town look GOOD in the world, and to those who enjoy GREAT radio.

I'd rather have it that way ANY day.

And that's OUR news of the week.
Join us next week as we talk "B" movies for October and Halloween!


Friday, August 23, 2013


(there's many links highlighted in this blog....hope you'll check 'em out!)

We're close to "Autumn."

As we enter this season of "back to school", there's SO many things going on with WION it's hard to tell you all of them!

We continue with our regular Morning show cohosts!  On Tuesdays we have various guests and co-host Bill Lynch!   Wednesdays each week, Penny brings you local events and volunteer information, Thursdays it's Bart Lower from Danny Boy's Drive-in theater! (and of course, Fridays...."anything goes!")

We've teamed with the Ionia DDA, and every business (club, organization, or even CHURCH)  in the district is eligible to have 3 months of advertising on WION doubled at no extra charge from our select list of packages!  This is NO joke.  Let's say, for instance your business buys our very popular package of $239/month for 32 spots.  You'll actually get DOUBLE that amount, if you're an Ionia DDA member....64 spots, a $358 value, because the Ionia DDA is paying for the extra $119.50! There's plenty of options in our usual packages, and this comes at a PERFECT time to run in September, October, and November, or...October, November December to hit the holiday audience!  Get details by calling WION anytime at 616-527-9466, or your account rep of Dan Ferguson or Bill Lynch!  This is a GREAT offer! Read the letter from the DDA and call today!

Another Autumn event coming soon is "Fallfest" at Bertha Brock park. This is a favorite place of WION owner Jim Carlyle, and many other folks, too. For the third year in a row, your business can advertise on WION, inviting people to fallfest on Saturday September 21st  and...for every package we sell, $50 goes to the Bertha Brock Park Improvement Fund!  Your investment?  Only $185 if paid in advance, $199 if billed, and you get 32 commercials in the two weeks preceding Fallfest!

We're also going to offer the same GREAT package as we do at Fallfest for another of our autumn favorite events, the "Chili Dawg Challenge" in downtown Ionia!  $50 from each of these packages (again, $185 or $199) will go to Big Brothers/Big Sisters!  We've done this for a number of years as well, and feel strongly about helping BBBS fund their very worthy program!

You see, WION values community.  We don't just say it, we mean it!  We give back!  And, if you're interested in both packages, buy 'em together for just $350! We work with you to customize your announcement, combining your offers and the promotion of Fallfest or Chili Dawg Challenge!

Then, there's new programming!  We've brought you Barry Scott's "Lost 45's" program on Saturday nights now for quite some time....and, beginning Monday the 26th of August, we've got a real daily treat for you!  It's the daily "Lost 45!"  Tune in just after the 8AM news for Barry Scott with a daily artist interview and related song!  It's something you won't want to miss, and it's ONLY on WION!  

You're going to want to get WION's app if you haven't already! Visit Google Play and I-tunes, and search "WION" to get our app!  It's absolutely free, and the best part is we don't dig into your privacy.  Our app doesn't read your address book, your internet history, NOTHING. All we know when you listen is what internet service provider to which you're connected, nothing more!  Once you have our app, you can listen anywhere! Pair your phone to newer car stereos with bluetooth and hear WION's music, and our GREAT sponsor's offerings anywhere you travel!  For even MORE options, you can download the "TuneIN radio" app and choose our higher quality 128k stream!  No matter which stream app you choose (48k or 128k)...you'll love our sound! 

And, please...if you haven't done so, use our "call me" button...or, go to our "voicemail page" and directly dial our "LISTENER COMMENT LINE" anytime. We WANT to hear from you, and your opinions and voice may just be "on the air" with us! Please let us know what you like about WION.....about our streaming sound quality, programming....whatever!  Your opinion counts!

Autumn truly IS a busy time at WION...and we hope you'll listen, be part of the fun, and tell your favorite business you want to hear them advertising on our growing, fun, exciting radio station!

Oh, and one last thing.....who's listening on the stream?  Visit our ONLINE LISTENER MAP....you'll see just how FAR WION reaches........and, especially in Michigan....as WION helps put Ionia on the map!


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Don't Miss this week on the morning show....

Sorry, it's been awhile. As you may recall, we simulcast a few mornings with Jim Aaron while I was away working on engineering, and when my voice was "less than acceptable" for air. See? I really DON'T want to torture you! Then came the freefair, and busy days there, too.

Now we're into August. The "Dog Days" of summer, they're sometimes called. And, from our air conditioned studios, please join us this week for:

Tina Conner-Wellman, Ionia Area Chamber Director on Monday as co-host! Much to talk about as the summer wraps up!

Tuesday: Linda Curtis of the Ionia DDA will be by for her monthly visit with news of the Ionia Theatre, DDA district, and more.

Wednesday:  Our usual "Wake up Call" question and the return of Penny Beeman to the round table, (she had last week off...a bit under the weather)...and we'll give away a HUGE prize package including: The burger of the week from the Lamplight Grill, A large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store & Deli, and...a "Floral Boquet of the week" from Sids Flowers!  We'll have a great question!  Plan to join us!

Thursday:  It's a "Danny Boy's Drive-in" Thursday, with great conversation from our lively and fun co-host Bart Lower of Danny Boy's!  You never know where the "movie conversation" may take us....and, someone always wins a family 4-pack from Danny Boy's, also known as the "Leave your wallet at Home" package, and WION's the ONLY place to win it!

Friday:  We have guests from Berger Motor Sales as they celebrate 75 years in Ionia and give you a chance to win a $100 gift card for service or body shop! 

It's a busy week coming up, so enjoy your weekend, please spread the word about WION and our AM, FM, and ONLINE ways to listen, and even our facebook page!  We're unique to Ionia, and here to entertain and inform you 24/7!

See you "on the air" this week!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

THERE ARE NO LOSERS....in this contest!

It's Wednesday, July 10th, and I've just finished one of the busiest morning shows I've had in ages!

Penny, my Wednesday co-host (We're unique at WION having different co-hosts each day) who is deeply involved in many charity organizations in Ionia county just left the building, and we're both quite happy...

It's become a tradition to pit the morning show at WION against the afternoon show in some charity fund-raising events, one being the annual "Relay for Life." This year, with no jumpstart from any other source, WION raised $811, most of it today on the show.  

The final total was $406 for the afternoon show, and $405 for morning, and the fun REALLY came when we had Ionia Mayor Dan Balice on the air donating, and conference-connected with our afternoon host Garry Osborn. I'm not sure they had ever had the pleasure of meeting, but it was fun to have them chatting on WION. Then there's those who defect to the "dark side." Our occasional morning co-host known as "Leftlane" even bid against my show, but for a great cause; putting Garry in the lead  he kept to the end of the show and the end of our friendly contest.

Along the way, WION had support from a GREAT online community, my favorite website, "satelliteguys.us" and some of its members who will also be showing support during the event this weekend as the actual relay is held at Ionia High School.  I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have connections with a group such as the membership at Satelliteguys.us, as they've helped put WION and my town of Ionia on the map!  What's really remarkable is that we get support for local causes from them while their donating membership is from all across the United States and the world!  A huge thank you to Scott G. who runs that site, and my deepest respect for the polite and human manner in which this site is operated.  It's polite, friendly, helpful, and fun as well! Think about it....how many times does a small town like Ionia get a chance to be connected by radio with a world-known website like this, and enjoy a great partnership?

Our little radio station has collected over eight hundred dollars just today for a cause that we all have been touched-by.  Cancer.  It hits home for most everyone who knows a friend or family member that has battled, is-battling, or has lost their battle with cancer.  Our little station has helped raise enthusiasm for the event, and has brought additional awareness to it.  We're trying to make a difference, and with your help, we have.  And, this is just one cause we feel is important to support at the local level.

As I approach 25 years behind the microphone I sometimes ask myself, "why am I HERE?" I never had a plan for where my radio career would take me. I knew nothing about Ionia 9 years ago when we were finishing up the details for the purchase of WION.  I didn't even enter broadcasting with the intent to own a radio station. I started-out just glad to be on the air as an announcer.  Then later, I began my search for a radio home out west in  Colorado with the hopes of working and retiring there.   I still don't have an answer to "why" I landed in Ionia,  but,  morning shows like the one we just finished, and the contribution WION makes back to its community all through the year keeps sending me the same message......

"It's good to be here...on the air....working with good people......and making a difference in Ionia County."

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this effort, and to those who help us help others year-round.

Monday, June 17, 2013


It's another new week!  Exciting times in Ionia as we get closer to the "Summer in the City Celebration" this weekend. (June 20-22nd.)  By all indications on their facebook page, the amount of involved booths, events, and organizations has grown immensely since the announcement of the celebration!  We hope you can take it in! 

We're now a month from the Ionia Freefair and you'll begin hearing about that on WION as well!  As we get closer, look for more information on the air and online, too!

This Wednesday we'll have a fresh, new wake up call, and give away our usual burger of the week from the Lamplight Grill,  a large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store & Deli, and maybe more!  Don't miss the question!  (Long distance listeners on the web get a $10 gift certificate from Amazon dot com.)

Thursday, we'll welcome Bart Lower for another fun visit as he co-hosts the morning show, and gives away another Family 4-pack of tickets to Danny Boy's Drive In!  And, I have to tell you, Danny Boy's does it right!  If you win from WION, you can literally leave your wallet at home (if you're not the driver, of course....)...they'll take great care of you, and nobody will be hungry while enjoying the movie!  Visit Danny Boy's on the web today and learn more, or on their facebook page!

Friday....we may be simulcasting our Greenville station with Jim Aaron, details have not been firmed-up regarding whether Jim Carlyle will be "in" .....but if we do, you'll enjoy a different morning show! 

Much more to come as the week progresses, keep listening!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

WION Website updates and Danny Boy's Drive in Info...

Thanks to twitter pulling the plug on their former website twitter feeds format, we've updated our homepage for WION!

Twitter users:  You can now "follow" WION easier for updates with ONE click of the "follow@i1430" button. A second click brings up the latest feed if you're signed in to twitter!  (I liked the old feed better, we're looking for ways to fit their updates to our page and format!)

It's easier now to call us with voicemail comments, and we'd REALLY like to hear from you!  We have listeners all over the world now, thanks a great amount to Satellite Guys and this forum, and we'd love to know what you like about our station! Please click the 'call me" google widget on the main page, enter your phone number, and google will call your chosen phone number, then connect you to our (recording) comment line!  It's that easy!  If you prefer to dial yourself, follow the link on our main page to get the number and let your "fingers do the walking."

And, of course, our custom Facebook link will take you right to the FB page for WION, the station. For Advertising, Bill Lynch maintains a WION Advertising Facebook page as well, which he also uses on Tuesday mornings and Fridays when he co-hosts the show!

We hope to hear from you, please stop by the website, don't forget to get our apps and try WION "on the go" this summer!

Oh, and we'll be working closely all summer with Danny Boys' Drive-in theater (now open in Ionia!) ...listen for updates beginning Thursday mornings on WION, and chances to win passes! It should be a FUN summer in Ionia with this GREAT new business, which is generating excitement all over the area and well beyond!


Thursday, June 6, 2013

This Friday.....

If all goes as planned, WION morning listeners this week will enjoy Jim Aaron, our "corporate" Music Director hosting  our morning show, from his WGLM AM/FM studios.  The technical term is called, "simulcasting" but he's well aware that he'll be visiting with our Ionia friends on Friday.

I'll be working behind the scenes as one of our out-of-town engineers is coming to town to assist us here, then more work for both of us at Jim Aaron's station.

We hope you enjoy Jim's morning show, which may include his famous (infamous??) "Worst Song of the Week"..and many other things.

I'll be back with you on Monday, and hope to talk with you on the morning show, maybe together we'll find an answer to our long-running "wake up call" question before a new one is scheduled for (next) Wednesday.

Enjoy your weekend, and remember...take US along with you!  Get our Apps! Enjoy us anywhere you go...

WION-AM STEREO 1430 and FM 92-7
on the web at our station website
and, on Facebook 
and, on our very own forum, hosted by "Satellite Guys"

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Busy Times, FUN times on the radio and LOTS OF LINKS!

Another workweek begins soon. Memorial Day is behind us by a week now, and we're all thinking summer!

We're seeing an increase in the downloads of our WION listening apps for smartphones from both the I-tunes and Google Play store, and we thank you for that! 

WION just instituted a new "comment line" so you can leave your ideas, comments, suggestions, and most of all, compliments to us any time you see fit!  Just go to our website  and either dial us directly, or click the easier "Call Me" button and let Google connect you to our voicemail!  We really DO want to hear from you, and especially those who are out of our immediate area and have other choices in radio, but continue to drop by our web stream to enjoy WION!

The Facebook page is growing by the week, too...and we're trying to tie together all our available ways to inform you of things coming up!

This week on our show, we expect to be quite busy on the morning show with talk of our Ionia Area chamber summer events on Monday,  the Ionia Freefair visiting on Tuesday, a visit with the people who are putting on "family fun at the farm" soon, (Penny Beeman has the day off that day, we hope she enjoys a little "time away)...then on Thursday it's the DDA, and Friday, of course, the usual round table gathering.

As I said, its a busy week at WION, and NOBODY is more "in touch' with you than we are!   Our station is growing every day, and NO local media is putting your county on the map better than WION, either!

We hope to have our first few "I got the app" coffee mugs soon, the first ones going to winners of our "wake up call" Wednesday questions, then others at random. Look for a posting including picture and description on our facebook, website, and on our own WION FORUM (which we hope you'll join soon...it's free, and yet ANOTHER great way to keep in touch with us!)

So, get our apps, tune us in, enjoy plenty of the "Music you know"..and, there'll be LOTS of the local information you need..coming this week on WION!


Monday, May 13, 2013


A busy week!

Our thanks to Wednesday Cohost Penny Beeman who made a special appearance to talk a bit more about this weekend's "hunger expo" which also takes place concurrently at the fairgrounds on Saturday the 18th with the 4-H "May Madness" event to get people interested in joining 4H.  There is no charge to attend the Hunger Expo, its designed to show how volunteerism can help local food pantries, and how our annual County Wide Food Drive operates, which is a partner to WION radio.  

Tuesday, Bill Lynch co-hosts, and we will talk "small town Tuesdays" plus other tidbits of information......and maybe a guest or two!  Tune in to join us.

On Wednesday, Penny brings a guest from the Civil Air Patrol to the round table.  This will be a very interesting morning, as I know very little about this very important organization, and along with me, you can learn more!  We look forward to a new guest at the Wednesday table.

The promised facebook page for Ionia's brand new "Summer in the City" celebration is up and running.  You do NOT have to be a facebook member to view this page, as it is a "fan" page available to anyone to read, just like WION's page.  Watch for more information, and you'll hear lots about this carnival and family fun weekend in downtown Ionia right here on WION!

On Friday, join us for the "round table show" from 6-9AM (EDT for those on the live stream) as we talk "Portland Block Party 2013" with Patrick Reagan and a cast of many.  Always fun when our friends from Portland visit....and always lively,  too!

There's much more to come....and of course our "usual" fun....

Stay tuned to WION.....and thanks for listening locally to America's Biggest Little Radio Station.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Wake up Call question on this May 8th:


Local winners pick up gift certificates for a burger of the week from the Lamplight Grill,
and a large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store & Deli on M-66, north of Ionia!

Answer by e-mail to:  morning@i1430.com  or, on our phones at 616-527-WION, or, via our forum by clicking the "forum" button at www.i1430.com!

Enjoy!  And, Chime-in!

Our answer today: the speed of Christopher Columbus' ships on the way to the new world (on his first transatlantic trip.)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Welcome to a new week!  It's Monday May 6th!

We had Tina from the Ionia Chamber on our show today, and on Tuesday the 7th, we will welcome representatives from the Ionia Freefair and 4-H! Tune-in for the fun, the information, the music, and....we'll continue our "wake up call" from last week!
Clue:  This is considered "fun' by many people.
Clue:  Not a terribly "active" answer.

Clue:  They do it longer in shoes that are NOT high heels.

Our question from the wake up call held over (again...)
"Women can do WHAT for an average of 2 and a half hours if wearing high-heels? (according to a study, of course.)

With your correct answer, win a "Burger of the Week" from the Lamplight Grill and a Large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store & Deli, Ionia.  Out of our listening area? Win a $10 gift certificate from Amazon.com.

See you Tuesday Morning!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On the Thursday show....

Join us as we work again on the "Wake Up Call" question.

We've held it over to Thursday, after a very busy Wednesday which included Penny's information on community gardens in Ionia and Montcalm counties, the volunteer appreciation dinner, and other topics.

Also on Thursday we'll be talking with the Ionia DDA via Director Linda Curtis, and she should have some fun news of something coming to Ionia this summer. Tune-in for details on WION!  

Don't forget to get your, "Don't Think and Drive-Just LISTEN" (WION Branded)  T-shirts for $10 from Promoprint & Stitches-2 in the Armory block of Main Street, Ionia.
They look GREAT and would be fun gifts, too for anyone who you believe does too much behind the wheel with their "toys."

We'll post the results of the "PB &J" challenge between Jim Carlyle and Penny Beeman a bit later today or as soon as possible....donations end tonight at close of business downtown at Promoprint. All donations go to local food pantries. 

Our question from the wake up call held over to Thursday is the following:

"Women can do WHAT for an average of 2 and a half hours if wearing high-heels? (according to a study, of course.)

With your correct answer, win a "Burger of the Week" from the Lamplight Grill and a Large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store & Deli, Ionia.  Out of our listening area? Win a $10 gift certificate from Amazon.com.

See you on Thursday morning!


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Win on Wednesday...quick "Midweek Eve" thoughts...

Another Wednesday show is just a few hours from now as I write this. Many quick thoughts, many links to things going on! Enjoy!

I look forward to Wednesdays....we hear from SO many people locally and those listening on our web stream, too. E-mail, our forum, and our phones are always fun as we bring you the "wake up call." Local winners get a large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store along with a burger of the week from the Lamplight Grill.  Distant winners, like we had last week win a $10 gift certificate to an online retailer.

We'll also be closing our friendly competition between Penny and I, as we both have been collecting and lobbying for your donations of peanut butter, or jam and jelly, all of which goes to local food pantries.  As always, every little bit helps....and it's kind of a reminder that this autumn, the community food network will again run the "county-wide food drive!"  Donations will be welcomed through end of business at WION and at Promoprint & Stitches-2 in Ionia on Main Street.

Want to have some fun?  Grab one of the new "Don't think and drive, just LISTEN" T-shirts from Vicki at Promoprint, too! Only $10!  It was born last week when a report aired on WION from the CBS network telling us not to use our minds to think of what we're going to say while driving!  The shirts look GREAT, and are just fun.  We hope you'll buy one and listen as you travel.  

A fun Wednesday is ahead, please join Penny and I "on the radio" for the fun.....and make WION a habit!  We think you'll enjoy being part of "America's Biggest Little Radio Station."

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's Friday Evening...

One week since the deluge of rain and our flooding.
Things are slowly returning to normal in Ionia and our area.

Our Friday morning show was a lively one....Phil, however missed it as he was sent (again) to a new "sensitivity school" in the UP of Michigan. We wish him the best.

Bill and I were first joined by Branden, our production manager, who found that Stonehenge, (yes, Stonehenge) is hiring a new manager, and wanted a reference letter. I'm sure his years of experience with us in radio will help.....would YOU want to be the first Manager of that place in thousands of years???

Mary Cusack stopped in to visit, had news of tonight's resceheduled "Band Aid" performance at Watt auditorium, along with great news that for the first time ever, "Young People's Theatre" is having a summer camp, and putting on the show, "101 Dalmations." What a great program for our young people.

Mary also spoke about Saints Peter and Paul having a sesquicentennial celebration, including an Art Prize event, and was very enthusiastic about that as well, details from the church's website which you can google.

The show was VERY lively when we pulled out a 1973 Ionia County Shoppers' guide and chose an item, playing "Name that Item" which was on sale for $2.99 in March of that year. The phones went nuts, lots of e-mails, and we had fun...with Annette from Printing and Office Essentials being our winner!  Congratulations to her, the item was a set of jumper cables. Probably not the best ones in the world for that price, even in 1973, but....still fun to reminisce.

On the weekend, WION welcomes a Michigan group for a tour, called "M.A.R.E." or, Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts to tour our station and visit our town. They chose to come here, after one of their members learned of WION being an independent station broadcasting in AM stereo, too!  We're proud to be chosen as a tour destination, and to bring these folks to our town for lunch at the Lamplight Grill.  I hope that each and every one of our business community can do the same sometime (bring folks in because of WANTING to meet them)....it truly is a compliment, and something that helps our local economy and our local pride, too!

Enjoy your weekend, see you Monday.....and thanks for all the fun that you, our listeners provide to we, the radio "family" of WION.

We're glad to be part of your community and your lives!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Catching up.....(again.)

It's no surprise to anyone that everyone's normal schedule has been anything BUT normal lately.  The flooding in our area turned everyone's attention to protection of property, businesses, and thankfully, to helping others.  

Here at the station, we've also been busy behind the scenes.  Most "events" like flooding escape very few people in the affected area, and we're no different.  Phone service was disrupted by damaged lines at the station, and fixed promptly by our local AT&T repair man, Anthony.  The slight inconvenience meant using only one line at a time, and not doing the "usual" morning things some days.  Well, things are pretty much back to normal.  We hope for as normal of a week as possible next week and a fun "end to the week" this Friday.

Phil has the day off, but regular co-host and WION client care specialist Bill Lynch will join us, and maybe a cast of others. At present, we're re-negotiating a contract with Leftlane, and it's at the point of, "have your people call our people."  Let's hope we can get him back "on" soon. Perhaps if we started a Leftlane fan club?  Nah, scratch that...it would go to his head too fast.

We ARE very happy to say that our first "out of state" winner on the wake up call last week, listening on the web, and this was a first!  It's fun involving people from far away who are choosing WION as a favorite station?

Do you realize how many choices people have in audio entertainment? There's plenty. That's why we watch with great interest the growing locations in which Ionia's very own station is heard via the web!  See that map by the link on our main page at our website!

More to come...gotta run, after all, it IS 92-7 nite at the Lamplight Grill....
Join us Friday morning!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Welcome to the morning show blog, if you're just joining us.

On our usual Wednesday visit with Penny Beeman, we re-named the show for this month (WED only) the "PB&J Show" for "Penny Beeman and Jim." Why? Because a nationwide effort is underway this month to collect peanut butter and jelly for the needy in local (food) Pantries.

We're having a friendly competition, and asking that you bring what you can of Peanut butter or (commercial) Jam/Jelly for donation to Vicki Kennedy's store in downtown Ionia, "Promoprint & Stitches-2" in the armory block.  Please put a label on your donation of "J" for Jim, or "P" for Penny, as we will count at the end to see who was supported more in this effort.  Me? I think Penny will win. She's online and "connected" with volunteers all the time so "her people" may just win, and that would be fine, because the REAL winners are those who receive your donations.  I would however ask for a good showing.  I'm already cashing in some favors from listeners, like Dawn at Dial a Ride in Ionia who LOVES the fact we now stream the station. Hopefully we can get some dial a ride clients and employees to help us in this effort, and some extra "J's" in the collection. We'll be doing this through month's end.

On another note, don't forget this Friday is an extra hour of the morning show, just for fun! Glen from Americana Auctions is our guest at the round table, and will appraise items brought by our staff. We always enjoy getting updates on what he sees as the trend in antiques and things that people collect, and we'll happily take questions via e-mail, our forum, and on the phone.  Oh, and since we always broadcast in "color" you'll always enjoy the fun.  Yes, we'll use the webcam this Friday as well so you can "watch" from home.  (the audio's much better on OUR main stream, however, so use that if you need-to.)

So, see you on the morning show.....please donate for our local food pantries (peanut butter and jam or jelly) at Promoprint downtown, and.....thanks for checking on the (morning show) blog. If you want, leave a comment, or...read the other blogs available about technology and "thoughts in general" found in the "Carlyle Corner" on our website.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Don't Miss Friday this week!

In recapping last week, we had a great deal of fun on the morning show.

We had visitors from 4-H dairy programs including some youngsters on Tuesday, who joined our show with Larry Listerman and talked about dairy involvement at this year's "Ionia Freefair."

Wednesday was extra fun, as we got a winner to last week's "wake up call" 

...."Researchers found that in Denver, Colorado, when there's humidity over 80 percent, this happens more than when the humidity is below 45 percent. What happens more with higher humidity?"  Answer: The frequency with which youngsters are punished in school for acting up increases!

Then, we were asked to do a second one, for members of satelliteguys and our forum who tune-in regularly on our stream.  "This alternative use of peanut butter has been proven.  We, however do not recommend it."   Answer:"Peanut butter is a darned good shaving cream" say researchers, and said republican Barry Goldwater years, and years ago.

Thursday was our monthly visit with the Ionia DDA and Linda Curtis.  We hope to have a "major announcement" from the DDA soon on WION. "Stay tuned" as they say.

Now, looking ahead to this week, Friday....as we've noted on our Facebook fan page and our own forum, please join us for the extended version on Friday of our round table, as we welcome local antique appraiser Glen Rairigh of Americana Auctions to our show.  We'll have on-air appraisals of items from our announcers, and hopefully, some pictures and descriptions of items sent by our forum members as well!  We always learn more about what's becoming valuable, what kind of items are losing value, and more when Glen joins us.  Please spread the word, we're doing an extra hour on Friday...6-10AM EDT on April 12th!

More to come, "stay tuned" to WION on Ionia County's FM 92-7, AM Stereo 1430 and on our apps and web streams!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013


During our usual visit with Wednesday Co-Host Penny, we got an answer to the "held over" wake up call from last week, asking, "Reearchers found that in Denver, Colorado when there's humidity over 80 percent this happens more than when the humidity is below 45 percent....what happens with higher humidity?"

The answer, provided by Laurie G. of Ionia was, "Children in school get punished more often for acting up! Obviously this study could take place almost anywhere!

Then, by request from our online forum we started and completed a second question! "This alternative use of peanut butter has been proven. We, however do not recommend it."  

The answer was, "you can use peanut butter as a shaving cream"  As a matter of fact, this was said years ago...."Peanut butter is a darned good shaving cream" by Republican Barry Goldwater.  There's a name from the distant past!!

Would Democrats say and believe the same?  Our morning show is convening a panel to do this study, hopefully funded by the United States Government....and our panelists doing the study hope to be well paid for it.  (heheheheheh)

Thanks for all the fun on the phones, on e-mail and on our WION EXCLUSIVE FORUM.... join us for more fun each Wednesday...and of course each day of the week brings it's own surprises on the coffeecrew morning show.


Monday, April 1, 2013

Another Week, Another Month...April Fools!

Well, we've all entered April. Traditionally "April fools' day."

E-mails "flew in" this morning asking if "The Tooth Fairy" feature was a joke.  My answer to you, "Was it?"  It's all in how you take it!  You have to admit, it was a great date to start this series!   Yes, it's a series!  Join us mornings just after the 8AM news, and again in the evening after the 6PM news for each day's episode.

We thank one of our sponsors, Dr. I. Canfield Pullem, DDA member in downtown Ionia. Listen for his "secret" location during the show.

On another note,  thanks for the mound of e-mails of late. Even the ones that "complained" you had to click (3) ...count 'em THREE times to see our online listener map.  We've added the map to our front page as well for your convenience....and hope you find this easier for your "clicking-tired" fingers.  If you're a first-visitor to the map, you'll be amazed at how many places are tuning in.  If you're a frequent visitor, you won't believe how quickly WION is growing in listenership across the entire stat and NATION!  Check back frequently.

WION also welcomes back Renucci's Tavern as an advertiser this April!  Good to have you back on board, and we hope that your sponorship of our weather forecasts is a good omen of GREAT Spring and Summer weather!  Thank you, and welcome back!

Also of note is Edlin Automotive, joining our "Streaming sponsors" on WION.  Streaming of the station is not inexpensive, and we appreciate the growing enthusiasm and growing list of sponsors who help us make this possible!   If your business wants to be a streaming sponsor, please contact Dan Ferguson or Bill Lynch quickly....the introductory $143/month rate ends with tax day 2013!

Join us Tuesday for representatives from the Ionia Freefair on the morning show, and on Wednesday our Wake Up Call, then on Thursday this week, Linda Curtis joins us from the Ionia DDA!

Until our next visit...


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Is it Friday yet?

Good Morning!

It became a "more music" morning today, when technology got the best of me....and required my attention.

We moved the second day of the "wake up call" scheduled for today (Thursday the 28th) to NEXT Wednesday, and...if we get an answer early, we'll do a SECOND QUESTION that day as well. People love to win those "burgers of the week" from the Lamplight Grill and the large 2-item pizza from Northside Party Store!"

Remember...tomorrow's another "round table" with Phil, Bill, yours truly....and who knows...maybe Leftlane will wander in. Hard telling with that boy!  We'll bring you another "Friday Flash Poll" and answer some very burning "this or that" question.....with your help on the phones, e-mail and our forum!

Speaking of the forum, have you signed up yet?  It's DIRECTLY INTERACTIVE with all other listeners who have joined, and it's FREE. See the notes from Scott, our forum owner about signing up and signing in, and feel at ease with signing up for your free acccount!  

Keep watching our website for updates on programming and more...and thanks for listening....to "America's Biggest Little Radio Station"....WION


Friday, March 22, 2013


With over 50 votes on our Friday morning show from e-mails, phone and the WION Exclusive Online Forum,  our "Friday Flash Poll" found respondents telling us that in their homes, Creamy Peanut Butter is more popular than Crunchy!

It was a very 'spirited' debate, and we thank you for your attention!  We try to do these ultra important polls each week.  Why?  Because we know that you're tired of all the polls in the news that are so darn "serious"....there's tons of new ones each day about politics, the military, banking, and the like.  Thus, we choose OUR topics carefully!

This Saturday finds our microphones in Lowell, MI at the High School for the annual Lowell Area Expo, a presentation of the Lowell Area Chamber of Commerce. we hope you'll join us as we broadcast from this event.....and get to better-know our neighbors just a stone's throw to the East of Ionia.

This weekend's usual features are ready to roll, get an update on what's happening by visiting our WION FORUM.  Please register!  We don't sell your e-mail, we don't collect any personal info, and your registration, while not necessary, removes some of the ads from your FORUM experience and shows your support for the WION FORUM.

See you in Lowell with Phil Cloud, Bill Lynch, and Penny Beeman...and hundreds of our (new) closest friends!.....all "on the radio."


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm overdue for an update....It's been busy around the ol' radio studios...

Here we are, halfway through another whole week!

Our wake up call this week was, "WION's Birthday year is shared by what famous product?" We began that question today, and got an answer by our second hour of the show. The answer?  "Peeps!" They were made by the Just Born company which aquired the Rodda Candy company, and "Peeps" were born. our winner was Lynn burns, who was listening at the Ionia County Commission on aging in Ionia!  Congratulations!

On that topic, by an overwhelming majority, our listeners HATE peeps. We did an early poll today, (usually saving it for the Friday before Easter) ....and asked, do you LOVE or HATE peeps, since there is no "in-between" on that issue.  Thanks for all the votes, and votes continued throughout the day on our wion forum!

We brought in Spring today at 7:02 by stopping the news, and having our very own "Ode To Spring" brought to you by Bob Flynn. It was a tear-jerking moment in radio history. Okay, maybe not. It was a FAMOUS moment in radio history.  Would you believe it was a moment which won't happen again?  Okay. There we are. NO moment ever happens again, so I didn't lie.  It was a moment to remember, right to the very end of the song, "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park!"

On Friday...a flash poll about a favorite food item. Be ready with your votes!

Oh and somebody.....we think it's "Ray" (O' Vac) started a fan page for WION on Facebook, much to the chagrin of Jim Carlyle, but it IS there. so, "Like" us if you want. 

In looking ahead, we have a major programming announcement coming your way on April 1st you'll want to hear, we believe.......don't miss it on the morning show! Mark your calendars!

More soon.....busy times, great radio.....all here....with WION and the morning show.


Friday, March 1, 2013

The Weekend is here!!!

What a busy (fun) morning show on Friday!

The round table compliment was Bill Lynch, Phil, and a rare "full show" appearance by our buddy Leftlane.  Later in the show came a walk-on appearance by Patrick Reagan of "Portland Main Street" A full morning show!

The Friday Flash Poll found the majority of our respondents favoring full donuts over donut holes, and much of the debate took to the web, lighting a virtual fire on our forum of opinions and reasons for them!  It was GREAT to see this happen, and we hope that more and more people will be part of our forum and interact directly with WION!  Remember, the forum is FREE, you do not need to register, but in registering some of the ads disappear and browsing is easier.

We've added a (temporary) page to our website today, it'll be up through next weekend showing the map of exhibitors scheduled for Ionia Expo 2013.  On March 9th, we'll interview 16 of the exhibitors and bring you music all day long as always, live from Ionia High School. Admission is free, and there's much to see!  On our main page, the link to the map page is right below the CBS news player.

I hope our Fridays continue to grow. If you were part today, thank you. If you liked Leftlane, Patrick, our wake up call, video feed or something else, let us know!  We're growing, and with the camera/web feed, forum, e-mail, phones, and co-hosts, the show is tough to weave together, but we hope it sounds fun for you, our listeners.

Stick around all weekend for the usual fun of Twilight Zone Radio Dramas, Barry Scott's Lost 45's, Retro Stars the 90's Show, Randy Edwards program, "Edwards Archives" and much more.  Links to those shows can be found on the "Weekend Programming" thread on our forum. You may enjoy going to the shows' sites.  We'll see you on Monday......


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The "Extended Dance Mix" of the Coffeecrew show..

today...and today only!
But what fun!

Guests at the round table included Roger Packard, discussing our upcoming Ionia County Skywarn Training (which, by the way is March 6th from 6 to 8 at the Ionia County ISD on Harwood Rd....no pre-registration required, no cost to attend, just GREAT info.) and....Branden, our Production Manager was in early, even in this weather!

Near the end of our "usual" show, the thought occurred to me to play "odd" (Novelty) songs to lighten this gray, snowy, wet winter day. We hope you enjoyed a few "off the playlist" selections in the name of "fun."

Now and then we have time to do this "extended dance mix" of the show...when the "duty call" of daily business doesn't pull me away....and its always fun to be with you a bit longer.

Start planning to join us "live" at Expo 2013 at Ionia High School, from 9AM to 3PM!  We'll be broadcasting from our booth, taking the last registrations for our giveaway of a $200 Logitech Internet Radio, and enjoying the company of our "Ol Buddy Bob"  as he helps us with at least 15 very interesting interviews with businesses attending Expo! Some are first-time attendees this year! Get more info from "ioniachamber.org".

Oh, and by the way, a simple, and very FUN Friday Flash Poll coming your way on the Round table show this Friday. Don't answer yet, but..spread the word...we're talking DONUTS this Friday!

As always, thanks for reading, and thanks for listening!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


... on our Website!

Have you noticed?  We've now got a link to our "comments" page. The page has been there awhile, and some of you found it by mousing-around the main page.  We just thought the comments were too nice to NOT be seen!  Check out our main page and click to view February's listener comments!  These are all since we began streaming on February 1st.

We also want to know how we're doing, so...in the same "Contests and fun" section of the site there's a listener survey.  Originally I posted this only on our forum, but I want everyone who even uses streaming occasionally  to take the survey, please!  It helps us serve you better.

Now, on the topic of interactive radio, would you slide your mouse over to the "forum" button at the top of our page and join the WION forum?  You see, I'm not a huge facebook fan. I've always thought that without careful attention, you're giving away too much of your privacy to be on facebook. The one time we did have a station fan page, it was hacked, and that was enough!  Thus, the more "one on one" interactivity with our own WION forum.  It lets YOU start thoughts, or "threads" ...and we monitor it for changes in any of them so we can respond!  It lets you and other listeners talk publicly to each other, too!  It's a GREAT way to be part of our very active and growing radio station! 

As always this week, we'll have a wake up call question on Wednesday, and very busy phones! Penny should be in to discuss local events and fundraisers, and there's always something interesting on Wednesday. 

Yes, we'll have our usual Friday roundtable, too...from 6-9AM EST.  And, we'll turn on the webcam for anyone interested in "watching" the show.

So, take our survey, read our new "comments" page, and let us know how we're doing.  

See you weekdays, 6-9AM on WION!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

And the winner is......


She got the answer to our wake up call question...."Only two states in the USA have manufacturers of this item. What's the item?" The answer was "clothespins!"  Congratulations to Rocky! She picks up a huge community prize package to enjoy or to share!  We had many great callers and guesses online through our morning e-mail. We also had some of the answers that were incorrect on our WION FORUM which we invite you to join, free of charge! If you register, which is free, most of the ads go away.  If you like it, keep listening...you could win a "pub" menbership from WION...and all ads vanish, plus you're welcomed into the online "pub" where everything from technology to toast is discussed. Congrats, again; Rocky!

A busy Wednesday morning today, as Penny, (my usual co-host) was at the round table.  We discussed "CERT" classes (Community Emergency Response Team) training beginning next Monday the 25th in Belding.  This is GREAT training for being more "prepared"  If you want more information, please call Penny's number at 616-755-80-50.  More information on this from Ionia Host Dot Com on the "Community Events" page.

Roger Packard joined us as well, and reminded us that "Skywarn Training" is coming up March 6th at Ionia County ISD.  This is a VERY important training at no charge, and educates attendees on what to watch-for when bad weather is pending or threatening our area. Well worth the two hour planned time of 6 to 8PM. I've attended this. It's different each year, and worthy of your time if you can make it. Details from esv.ioniacounty.org.

We hope you're spreading the word that WION is available online. We never know "who" is tuned in, only the closest town in which the listeners ISP (internet service provider) is located....but today we logged Owosso and Howell, Michigan for the first time, along with our usual listeners. Please spread the word and make the hard work of preparing a GREAT sounding web stream worthwhile!  We're really grateful to those using it and those spreading the word!  You can even file a "comment" with us directly from the mobile app players or the online player from our main website!

Well, on to the rest of the day. Please mark your calendars for Expo at Ionia High School March 9th, come visit with us, and we'll draw on that day for the internet radio giveaway, the "Logitech Squeezebox" internet radio, a $200 value. And, if you stop into any of the PURK's LOCATIONS in Ionia, they're the EXCLUSIVE WALK-IN LOCATION SPONSOR. No purchase necessary. Thanks, Purks! We appreciate you!

See you Thursday...and, don't miss my other "blogs" ......(none of mine are exciting, but I enjoy writing em.....links on our main page in "Carlyle's Corner.)


Monday, February 18, 2013

The Learning Curve of Growing at WION....

Well, here we are in another week. Monday behind us for the most part.

I'm still trying to get more "into the swing" of having so many avenues of communication at my fingertips in the morning during the show!

We've always had e-mail, and continue to use that regularly. But now, we also have our own forum which is absolutely free to join on our website, and allows  you a more "one on one" with WION, while sharing your thoughts at the same time with other listeners.  For those of you new to this, each topic is called  a "thread" and, you can start them, respond to them, question them, whatever you like. The beauty of an online forum is the variety of thoughts it brings together. Unlike standard "social networking" it allows us a more personal interaction with you, and as a reader, you get a bigger picture of how others view our station as opposed to just "likes" and "dislikes." (but you can do that, too.)

So, as time goes on, you'll hear me referring more to our "forum" during the morning show. You can comment anytime, from anywhere, and rest assured, we're reading and watching this forum,  ready to respond.  The forum gets more interesting as more people join, so please, take a minute to do it, and be part of the fun of 21st century radio!  By registering, many of the ads that support the site go away...and, we're still giving away "ad free" memberships called "pub" memberships through February.

So, in the morning, it's e-mail, like Kevin uses from Firstbank. Larry is now using the forum to report Belding Temperatures.  Scott is listening in Connecticut and always coming up with something interesting. We have a morning listener in Ohio who grew up with WION, and can now be part of our daily get-togethers. These are all great ways people are interacting with WION. And, its all appreciated.

But, remember, even as we grow, we're YOUR radio station, Ionia County.  Always will be. Only difference now is that we're helping Ionia County, Michigan to be better known in our State, our Nation, and the world.  We're not sacrificing any local content to serve the larger audience. I think the reason our map of listeners has grown so much (see the FAQ page and the "who is listening to WION to view the map)  is that this station is "different" than many you'll find across the USA in its content and its programming. At least we hope so. That's how we hope Ionia's station is seen by those listening outside our area.

Please join our forum, be part of the fun, and...be PATIENT as I click through windows on the morning show....there's plenty of places to look for your interaction with us,  I'll try to keep up with all the messages......and we welcome it.....ALL of it.

Off to the Lamplight....it's been a Monday, after all!


Friday, February 15, 2013

A vacation day...

You've probably come here looking for information...or maybe you're a "regular' now.  Either way, we're glad you're reading.  Statistics show this blog is being read by our listeners, and I'm grateful.  As far as commenting or "responding", however...It's  been made known to me that some people can't respond to these blogs because of corporate blocking of g-mail accounts at work. That seems very odd, considering I know of people working in U.S. Government offices that allow personal G-mails on their government machines.  In any case, we'd love to have your comments, but you're going to have to do it on your own time and PC. The Corporate world abhors independent thought and independent growth or prosperity, so...please....find a PC or tablet not owned by your corporate monster, and make the effort to chime in.

Today, Friday the 15th, the morning team has the day off.  Phil was sent on another long weekend to a kind of boot camp, where hopefully he'll learn more about what is acceptable to the FCC.  Bill has begun his busiest season of the year, and Leftlane, well.....he's just Leftlane. So, with the co-hosts all busy, I decided we all would have the day off today. After all, if the Government can move holidays and CREATE holidays just to give time off, so can I.  

Thus, today, a Friday, no "show" with the usual gang. Yes, we'll be back next week...same time, same station, but today, you've got "Otto" to brig you music, news, sports, and information. Just without the puns, bad jokes, and listener calls.  

Hope you'll stay tuned to enjoy WION today, and don't forget, we're now on your PC, Tablet, and smartphones, too...so take us with you all weekend long.

See you Monday on the Coffeecrew show!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Weird Wednesday"....

And, it was! (weird, that is.)
NOT because Penny co-hosted. NOT because of a near-record amount of callers. I think it's just midwinter for all of us.

Thanks for all the calls this morning, no answer on the "Wake Up Call"...which is posted on our forum at www.i1430.com.  We'll continue with the question NEXT Wednesday. However, on the Thursday show, tomorrow, we'll give away (2) "Pub" memberships at satelliteguys.us, my favorite non-auction site on the web.  I don't include auction sites in favorites. They're nearly a breed of their own, under "necessary evils" in today's society when you want to buy anything that is not new on the shelf.  But, I digress......

Pub memberships are explained on the WION forum, and you'll want to tune-in to win!  I'm pleased with the growth of our listenership, and our own forum.  I would, however like to ask a favor....

If you're listening, no matter where, it's more fun to know you are! Why not use the forum's "temperature in your backyard" to report to us each morning?  You can do that from your home, work, or even school/class! We'd love to mention you on the air!  Just a little fun that involves YOU more in our program.

"Word" for Friday is that Phil has the day off. We're hoping to have Bill Lynch and our buddy "Leftlane" co-hosting, and we'll have an interesting Friday Flash Poll, inspired by a thread on the satguys site.  It's one of my favorite questions to use at gatherings as a conversation starter, and can, at times be very revealing!  Curious?  Tune in on Friday!

PLEASE, PLEASE don't forget to support the Friends of Bertha Brock Park with their fundraiser banquet event this Saturday!  Get tickets from Mike Kennedy at the Ionia office of Greenstone Farm Credit, or from Vicki at PromoPrint & Stitches-2 in the Armory Block, Ionia.

Oh, and...don't forget...because of tomorrow being Valentine's Day (yawn.).....92-7 nite is TONITE at the Lamplight Grill, Wednesday, February 13th.  Hope to see you there!

Enjoy your day...see you back on the radio Thursday morning!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, Monday.....

No, I'm not going to sing.  Just had to "reach" for a blog title for today.

On our Monday show we gave away (2) tickets to this weekend's "Friends of Bertha Brock Park" fund-raising (fun-raising) banquet. It's THIS Saturday at the former K of C Hall in Ionia, (Steele St. Hall).  If you don't win our remaining pair, you can get tickets at:  PromoPrint & Stitches store in the Armory block, Ionia, at Greenstone Farm Credit Services on M-66 (top of Meijer Hill) and..at the park office by calling Loren Gage ahead of time, and he'll set a time to meet you at the park office!  This event raises money and volunteers to help with park projects and a limited (County) Park budget.

We also made a winner of our friend Michael Carigon of Saranac, he's now a "Pub" member at Satelliteguys.US.  Check out that site!  They're the folks who volunteered to host our new WION forum, and it's the nicest, most polite people you'll EVER meet on the web!  Plus, when you need help with your Big Screen TV, Satellite of any brand, Home entertainment, or other phone, gadget, or electronic needs, chances are SOMEONE at the forum is ready to help!  Join our forum!  It's free, and gets you (standard) membership on the parent site!  Click on the "forum" button at www.i1430.com.

We'll be giving away tickets to the Buckroo Ball in Ionia on Wednesday's wake up call, along with the Burger of the Week from the Lamplight, and a Pizza from Northside Party Store & Deli. Listen Wednesday for that fun.

In the meantime, it's hovering near freezing. Roads and intersections are slick. If you head out..be careful!

See WHERE WION is being enjoyed on the web, by clicking the "listener map" link on our FAQ page at www.i1430.com today. You'll be amazed at how many places are interested in OUR hometown.

See you Tuesdy on the air!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Weekend check-in....

It's the weekend.  Once again, West Central Michigan has escaped a very bad bout of winter. What we got last Thursday night to Friday wouldn't even be classified a "storm" in my younger years!  Nowadays, we live in a "CYA" world, where if the National Weather service doesn't advise you it's going to snow, you'd sue someone when it does and you slip while driving or walking.  Well, anyway...a good looking weekend here.

Couple of things to catch you up-on:

Monday we return to giving away 1-year "pub" memberships to the site, "Satelliteguys.US" on the morning show. They're hosting our WION forum, and we hope you'll join us!  It's free to be  member, free to register, and once you're registered, you can win a pub membership on the air, or you may choose to buy one!  I've been a member for quite a few years now, and the membership has helped me with satellite service and info, cable TV and home theatre info, and much more. A good bunch of members, always polite, and always welcoming new members.  Your registration at our forum gets you a standard site membership there automatically. In any case, more winning coming Monday.

The question was raised by one person, "Why would little WION want to stream their station?"  I was amazed by this. First of all, it allows you, our loyal listeners to take US anywhere. Secondly, it puts Ionia on the map, and I can guarantee you that no local business, person, or entity is doing more of that than we are!  So, we've started a Google map of listeners logged on our streams. We don't know who listens, just the general location of where their internet service provider makes the connection to us.  Check out the google map of WION streaming listeners here, or on our "FAQ" page  under, "who is listening to WION?"  You may be amazed!  And, the places logged are listening long-term! (more than a few hours at a time.) Obviously our format has a wide-reaching appeal. We've always thought so, and now we have proof!

We'll be adding to the map, and a few places were left off, as they didn't have a town, just a country. Those included: Colombia and Brazil.

See you Monday on the morning show for more giveaways, conversation, and fun. We'll register more people for our $200 internet radio by Logitech, too.  Please JOIN our forum at www.i1430.com by clicking the forum button and registering. We look forward to you posting thoughts, ideas, comments, and more.  And, its yet another way for you to be part of WION, "America's Biggest Little Radio Station!"

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hoping for a "Normal" Friday...

...but, we'll see. Weather is (as usual) now less of a storm than when the weather service tells us "the sky is falling" which they seem to do on a semi-regular basis.  I hope we have our usual Friday gang here, of Phil and maybe Bill.  We're also hoping to hear from Vicki Kennedy and talk about the upcoming "Friends of Bertha Brock Park" fundraiser evening.

On my list for Friday's weekly news that drove me nuts.....

1) Getting tired of National news interviewing and presenting either the incredibly obvious or overly stupid.

Example 1: Public Official saying, (with regard to the current snowstorm out East) "Use Carmen Sense" with regard to how folks should act during weather emergencies.

Example 2: The youngster (who, by nature can't be held responsible for not speaking like an adult...but....the news shouldn't necessarily USE this as an actuality)...."I don't wanna die....and stuff...."  referencing  earthquake drills in schools.  Why not interview the teachers or administration?  It's cute to put the kid on the air, but it doesn't serve to lend credibility to the story or the network.

Then, there was the issue of whether or not employees should get overtime when they need to answer or monitor "work" cellphones when home and not on the clock.  What happened to a reasonably balanced "give and take" with employees and employers?  I guess I've always been blessed with GREAT employers (with the exception of one in the 1980's that was in rent-to-own and had the word "American" in their name...who fired me by fax)...and a healthy "give & take" meant a good working relationship.  Why are these "issues" being treated like news?

I guess I just expect more (credibility, common sense, not CARMEN sense) from both the public and the larger news media. That must be why I'm also continually let down.  Not really "down" but....at least disappointed.  

Well, this was just a spur of the moment posting, gotta run. I've got to plan for our not-so-huge snowstorm, cuz, like, "I don't wanna die & stuff..." and....it'll take extra time to get to the Lamplight for our 92-7, especially if know Carmen sense.

See you Friday......oh, and the webcam WILL be on, too.


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