Here at the station, we've also been busy behind the scenes. Most "events" like flooding escape very few people in the affected area, and we're no different. Phone service was disrupted by damaged lines at the station, and fixed promptly by our local AT&T repair man, Anthony. The slight inconvenience meant using only one line at a time, and not doing the "usual" morning things some days. Well, things are pretty much back to normal. We hope for as normal of a week as possible next week and a fun "end to the week" this Friday.
Phil has the day off, but regular co-host and WION client care specialist Bill Lynch will join us, and maybe a cast of others. At present, we're re-negotiating a contract with Leftlane, and it's at the point of, "have your people call our people." Let's hope we can get him back "on" soon. Perhaps if we started a Leftlane fan club? Nah, scratch would go to his head too fast.
We ARE very happy to say that our first "out of state" winner on the wake up call last week, listening on the web, and this was a first! It's fun involving people from far away who are choosing WION as a favorite station?
Do you realize how many choices people have in audio entertainment? There's plenty. That's why we watch with great interest the growing locations in which Ionia's very own station is heard via the web! See that map by the link on our main page at our website!
More to come...gotta run, after all, it IS 92-7 nite at the Lamplight Grill....
Join us Friday morning!
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