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West Central, Michigan

Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Days are Trying Sometimes, yet Remarkable.

(My writing is for my relaxing and sharing of things that I think are worthy of semi-organized sentences. I'm no professional writer..but it's recreational  to me...so, if you're reading this, know It's more of a stream of my thoughts than an organized "column" of any kind. ) 

Some days are remarkable while still very trying.

This situation we all share right now has so many effects on all of us, there's no way to count them all. 

As a business owner, and as a radio station owner, I share the fear of other business owners,  but we carry on, because we must.  We've seen a slight drop in advertising from businesses hardest hit, but many of our familiar supporters are still here on the air, with new messages of encouragement, reassurance, and the sharing of thoughts, or...just to remind you they are STILL HERE, waiting for the joyous day of reopening. We, at WION are so grateful for all of our advertisers and supporters. It's our advertisers' dollars that keep the transmitter on, the lights bright, and our streaming coming to you on any device anywhere.

So, on a day where this virus scare temporarily cost us some major income another miracle occurred, proving to me, as Morning Host and Manager that I'm here...for the right reasons. 

I didn't hear the phone call, but Garry Osborn was on the air.  The call was to our 800 number, which can ring into the studio.  It went to voicemail, which showed up quickly in my e-mail.  A senior-citizen lady, on oxygen called WION, worried because she was in need of food and didn't know where to turn.  "2-1-1" can help people but I could tell of the immediate need by the sound of her voice on the recording.

One call later, to a local church well known for it's food pantry outreach, I was assured by a friendly voice on the other end of the phone that this lady would be called right away, and the comforting words, "These are the people we need to serve!"  Can you imagine just the chance that someone would:  a) be a senior in need.  b) Think to call a radio statoin. c) reach a station with a real staff, not a corporate, satellite-delivered jukebox, d) ask for help leaving a number for a callback HOPING someone got the message?  Well, it DID happen. The connection was made.

Granted, this was not an on air issue. But it was a "trust" issue. The likelihood is that this lady heard Garry mention the number, she called it, pressed his extension for the afternoon show which also cc'd to me, and hoped for a call back.  Think of it.  The TRUST, today, in local media to help an individual.  She didn't call anyone else, she called a radio station because we're supposed to be "in touch" with community.  In a way, it was a high compliment.

With the issue in the hands of the people who are GREAT at what they do, which is feeding people regularly from a pantry, I felt as if I needed to be at WION as owner, etc...etc...insert job here.  It felt right  to be the caretaker of our license today, and to know something good came of our mere existence.   It felt like a "meant to be."  I believe it was, and it helps take away some of my worry during these times of the essential existence of radio, and the concern over losing the life-giving revenue of advertising  to this radio station.  That concern seems small compared to the need which was phoned in to us today.  My concern for WION as a business was strengthened by the fact we were here to fill a need and have been for over 15 years! 

We are fine. We WILL be fine with the support of our local community's businesses, some of which are not even open right now....and in the bigger picture, you can now see...Advertisers support WION, which is here to bring you music, information, news, and more.  Trust develops from that consistency and reputation, and that shows to advertisers that people need WION, and...it also shows commitment by this station to our community, which translates back into advertisers wanting to be a part of our programming.

Even with some losses today, in the "win" column was trust in a local radio station to help just one person.  Just one! 

We hope that you also are another "one" who will trust us with your time...for information, entertainment, and the marketing of your business to the mutual benefit of our community, through the good times, and the rough ones, too.

-Jim Carlyle

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